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Monthly Archives: April 2023

Fried insects are delicious useful but not everyone can eat them.

Fried insects are delicious useful but not everyone can eat them.

Going back 10 years ago, if anyone ate fried insects, they might be seen as strange, disgusting, or against eating insects at all. But nowadays, we can see shops selling fried insects along the streets. And it’s not cheap either. Although the appearance is not very appetizing But

7 benefits of garlic properties clearly

7 benefits of garlic properties clearly

Garlic is one of the most useful plants. It’s good to cook. Can be used in medicine properties clearly Today we have summarized 7 benefits of garlic that can help. 1. Relieve cold symptoms. from ancient Thai medicine It has been stated that garlic has properties to help relieve cold

7 divine benefits of "Okra" that you may not know

7 divine benefits of “Okra” that you may not know

If you say that Japanese people like to eat okra very much. Will everyone believe it? Eat fresh and use it for cooking. Other menu items Size to Vietnam They also serve green okra to be grilled and eaten fresh, not just good taste. But because of the cool properties okra That makes