7 tips for taking care of your hair this summer not to be fragile, dry, damaged

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7 tips for taking care of your hair this summer not to be fragile, dry, damaged

In the summer like this, aside from girls having to focus on taking care of their skin not to be damaged by sunlight. Hair care is equally important. So today we pick out 7 tips to take care of hair in the summer. This is a way to help prevent the girls’ hair. dry and fragile to share with the girls I have followed each other.

1. Use a pH-neutral shampoo.
In the summer, women must pay attention to choosing a shampoo that is suitable for the weather as well. The shampoo that should be used during this period must be a shampoo with a neutral pH because it is a shampoo that gently cleanses the hair and scalp. Doesn’t dry out your hair. And should contain a mixture of moisturizers that help make hair soft and moisturized. Protect your hair from UV rays. And most importantly, the shampoo used must contain keratin ingredients that help restore dry and damaged hair back to strength. And avoid using shampoo that contains too much alcohol or chemicals. because it may make the hair dry and damaged even more

2. Use hair serum
Using a hair serum protects the cuticles at the outermost layer of your hair. To prevent the hair from being damaged by exposure to heat, dirt or various chemicals. It also helps reduce static electricity that makes girls’ hair. You can also point out the fullness.

3. Hair fermentation once a week.
In the summer, it is recommended for young women. hair treatment once a week To restore dry and damaged hair from the sun. For hair fermentation formulas that we recommend to girls to use can be done with the use of olive oil. coconut oil or oil extracted from chamomile flowers By marinating it before washing your hair for about 10-15 minutes, it will help dry and damaged hair to be restored to be healthy again.

4. Trimming the ends of the
hair is a way to take care of hair in the summer that is suitable for girls who do not like to cut their hair short because this method will also help take care of the girls’ hair. Do not let it dry out or be fluffy. By recommending to trim the ends of dry and damaged hair every 7-8 weeks, which is recommended to trim about 1 inch is good.

5. Avoid heat from the device.
In the summer, the girls’ hair Daily exposure to the sun and heat is inevitable. Therefore, the heat from using hair accessories must be avoided as well. Especially if women like to blow their hair should avoid it first. Then use the https://ufabet999.com method of wiping your hair with a cloth instead. Because if you use a device that is hot in the summer. It will make the hair easily lose moisture, making the hair dry, crispy, fragile, causing dandruff and flaky scalp easily.

6. Don’t touch the strong sunlight.
which day the girls must go out to do outdoor activities Recommended not to let the hair exposed to the strong sunlight directly. Should at least protect by wearing a hat. In order not to directly hit the sun on the hair or if the girls can avoid the sun from 10 am to 2 pm, it will be even better. Because the sun during this period will have harmful UV rays. can severely damage the skin and hair

7. Don’t wash your hair too often.
Even if the hair of the girls It will happen very often. But in the summer should not wash your hair too often. Because it will make the hair dry heavier than before. Because shampooing will wash away the natural oils of the hair. If you wash your hair too often It will wash away the natural oils only. It is very important that after washing your hair is done. Should be nourished with conditioner every time. will help maintain the moisture of the hair as well

summer like this Do not forget to pay attention to hair care as well. Because when the girls neglecting hair care Will lead to a negative effect on the hair and scalp easily. which can sometimes be difficult to cure